We all have a story to tell...

...Mine isn’t unique or different in any way. One day I was a 46-year-old woman, wife, mother and dog owner. I answered to all of these. I happily put my fashion career on hold to raise my daughter in New York. Life was challenging, busy and beautiful. 

It hadn’t occurred to me how normal it all was until I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That day will always stay with me  – the poking, the probing, the jabbing - the fear. I went home with the words “prepare for the worst” ringing in my ears. I remember sitting in Central Park on a bench late that afternoon with the realization that life, as I knew it, had forever changed.

Suddenly I had become a 46-year-old cancer patient, a wife that needed caring for, a mother of a preteen that needed me more than ever and a dog owner that belonged to "the club". I found myself going through the motions of life without living it. Everything became a checklist. Doctor appointments. Genetic testing. Mastectomy. Chemotherapy. Reconstructive surgery. Life was more challenging, unbelievably busy and didn’t feel so beautiful after all.

Cancer had changed everything I had always identified myself by. It’s strange what losing your hair and female form can do to a girl. I truly lost sense of myself. I’d look at my reflection in the mirror not recognizing the woman who stared back. I worried about everything, especially how this would all affect my daughter. I didn't want her to be afraid of the words “cancer” and “chemotherapy” or be devastated when I couldn’t drag myself out of bed for dinner or find the energy to put on my makeup. It was important for me to demystify this disease and all that comes along with it. I wanted to be in control again. I had to learn to embrace the things I could change instead of dwelling on the things I couldn’t. This takes more time than one thinks...but I was very lucky to have the time.

If I wasn’t going to look like myself, I at least needed to feel like myself. I had purchased a beautiful wig but it was uncomfortable, itchy and hot. I needed alternatives…a beauty boost, a feel good purchase! I searched endlessly online for headwear that brought style and beauty back into my life. The reality...‘retail therapy’ didn’t exist for cancer patients or for people in general with little or no hair. The one-size-fits-all head-wraps and scarves I found were dated, apathetic, depressing and discouraging at a time when I needed just the opposite...relatable, stylish, chic, well-made headwear...a ‘pick me up’.

With my experience and background in fashion, I saw an enormous gap in the market for people, like myself...in need for that perfect item at that never perfect time. Forever threatening to start my own clothing line, although not at all how I ever imagined, I guess some things were just meant to be. I wanted to create a company that blurred the lines between PERSON and PATIENT. When it comes to fashion, style and happiness, no one should have to compromise. 

Welcome to GEEG...created from a need, a want and a wish.

A lifestyle brand offering ALL THINGS COOL, NOT CLINICAL…accessories, items and things-we-love. We make things matter by giving back and help to make a difference for others, however big…however small. We look forward to seeing our partnerships and collaborations grow, increase our give and expand our collection in every direction we possibly can.